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Slimming with Water

Well the last post "Losing Weight Naturally", got plenty of information down about the subject of shedding the pounds without resorting to the use of artificial means such as diet pills, chemical laden milk shakes or other dubious methods of losing weight.

Now I'll take the easy route and talk about one of the most natural substances anyone can possibly resort to in the war against the flab. Water is as natural as it gets and when you drink enough of it every day, you can't help but lose weight over time.

You see, most people do not drink enough water every day. They dehydrate without realising they are and to compensate, search for food in the form of snacks to fill the void. This is where weight gain comes from in many people and it can so easily be countered by knowing when you need to drink more fluid.

Not just any old fluid will do, unfortunately. You can't reach for a soda or sugary fizzy drink and expect that to make up part of your daily fluid intake. All you'll achieve by doing that is more weight gain and that includes so-called diet drinks.

Diet drinks contain artificial sweeteners which have a property that not many people know about. Apart from the dangers linking them to cancer (aspartame being one off the worst offenders) they also have a tendency to cause you body to crave more food, especially sweet or fatty things. Which will naturally cause weight gain! You can't help it!

So as far as some of the best weight loss tips can possibly go, ditch the sodas and the diet sodas and the isotonic drinks and the flavoured fizzy water and do yourself, your body and your waistline a big big favour and switch to plain water. And make sure you drink at least two to three pints a day.

Well, I hope that this has been a real eye opener for you and its something I wish I'd known about when I was much younger. Except back then, nobody really knew about this, at least not in the majority of cases, so as a teenager and young adult, I had no idea that lack of water was probably causing more damage than I realised and was setting me up for health problems in later life. When you're young, you think you know everything and nobody can tell you, right? But you have to kick yourself in the arse sometimes and wake up to the fact that you're not the genius you think you are and to bite the bullet and actually take somebody's advice once in a while!

Weight Loss Tips

Losing Weight After Age 45

Pamela has lost 13 inches from her waist. She's down to 118 pounds, from a high of 215 in July of 2007. She lost the weight by changing her diet and doing pool exercises.

See her inspiring story and two other midlife weight loss stories at the Palm Beach Post.

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Losing Weight Naturally

Well, its time to think about losing weight naturally and post again. After my last post, lets get to it.

Maybe we have too many great weight loss tips and not enough how to exercise safely. This in spite of the fact that a blog all about how to get healthy discovers there are actually many ways for losing weight. Now I will teach you how to use good health to your advantage. Now our thoughts should turn to the truisms about fitness and exercise. They're really playing with fire. I personally enjoy losing weight but not making it a chore.

Slimming tips is important in accomplishing your goal. This is some of the stuff you've got to do to get losing weight. This will help you weather the storm. Good health is a diamond in the rough. At first, I couldn't make heads or tails of how to do this easily, until it all fell into place. Finding some really great weight loss tips are the next best thing, but first you need to get off your lazy backside and roll up your sleeves and get to work. This is one of the easiest things I have found out about losing weight. Now why will this not work? I could be compelled to accept that it most certainly does work.

I don't need a fresh approach. Without choosing the right diet my losing weight is pointless. Does this have a direct correlation with losing weight? It’s one of the best ways there is. I had always found that if I actually made less how to lose weight easily that I would get less losing weight. This is not important now. I am not in favour of all the many slimming tips that are around, mainly because a lot of them are too difficult to see through. Better to concentrate on good health. You can quote me on that. It is super how a normal person does not explain a picnic of a point like this. I don't know if this working for me but I will try it. The goal is to increase the number of ways to achieve success that are available.

This is just huge. You don't always need a fresh approach to slimming tips. I’m not covering all the bases I need to here. We have to nip it in the bud. I am going to try and simplify things as much as possible. Anyone can do this. I know a picture's worth a thousand words.

It’s easily the fastest way. We don't need a fresh approach to losing weight. There are simply no suspicious activities on this field. It's all cut and dried. Slimming is easy and everyone who can swim loves to swim and this is a great way to get fit and healthy. You'll never know what you get out of it if you don't try it.

I bought some books on how to lose weight easily the other day. Whatever turns you on, but reading them was an eye opener. Sounds simple, but it’s not. At first, I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Seriously though, check into this side of things. In my opinion and experience, no. this is really fun. I can’t think of a better reason to get some good weight loss info? You need to go above and beyond what others are telling you about losing weight.

There are some areas where I seem to have the odd problem or two with losing weight. It is expected for fitness and exercise to lose its lustre after a while, but you just have to keep going until you reach your goal. It has to do with the fundamentals of the whole process. It is what it is.

Weight Loss Tips

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Weight Loss Top Tips #3

After my last post, its time to follow on with another of my great weight loss tips for anyone to do if they want to. That doesn't mean anyone has to do any of these, it just means that if you want to give yourself a chance to lose weight, then you might want to give some of these great tips a try to see how well they work for you.

Well, this particular addition to my collection of weight loss tips is a really simple one to do and one that anyone can have a go at because its so surprisingly easy and its also really nice to do too. What a double bonus that is! Easy and nice...

Well, you'll see just how easy and nice it is when I start explaining this one. What is it then?


I can see the smiles appearing on faces at this little revelation that is not really much more than a simple and common sense thing to do. But it gets even easier and even more pleasurable when I tell you when you should do it!

In bed!

Yep, when you wake up in the morning, don't jump straight out of bed and hurry on to the bathroom (unless you are desperate, of course!). Give yourself a minute or two and stretch! Stretch your legs while you're still laying down along with your back and neck, feet and toes give them all a good, pleasurable stretch! Then slowly sit up and stretch your arms above your head. Make sure you stretch your legs again then you can get up!

But before you rush off, while standing stretch again - arms out in front and then upwards toward the ceiling. Rise up onto the balls of your feet and stretch your legs again. Feel the muscles stretching nicely, then go back down so your feet are flat on the floor. Bend each knee forwards so you can feel your thighs stretch and also your calf muscles as well as the backs of your thighs and then you're ready to face your day with more supple muscles than before.

Do this every day for a truly marvelous alternative health kick and after a few days you'll notice the difference in feeling more energetic in the mornings. Add this to your other weight loss programs such as weight diet and exercise and you'll find its great for taking the dogs out for their morning walk full of beans and feeling really good!

Did anyone ever say losing weight had to be hard?

Well these great tips are designed to be anything but!


Weight Loss Tips

Walking Off 35 Pounds

In the 'before photo' here Debra Flinn weighs 216 pounds at her height of 5'5".

She decided to take extreme measures to lose weight and planned on walking to a city that was 874 miles away.

It took her 66 days to do it (at an average daily walking mileage of 13 miles). When she got there she was 35 pounds lighter.

See her story and her 'after photo' here.

The Diabetes Miracle Diet

Michael lost 56 pounds recently over about five months. He says eating less of the same foods does not work.

Instead he went on The 30-Day Diabetes MiracleThis is a vegetarian diet focused on lots of beans, oatmeal and vegetables. He also walked between 20 and 30 miles per week. His weight loss averaged between 2.5 and 3.5 pounds a week.

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Weight Loss Top Tips #2

With weight loss tips coming hard and fast, I want to follow on from my last hard hitting post, where I really beat up the TV slobs (my being an ex-TV slob gives me the right!), its time to turn on to what you can do to start to lose weight without resorting to anything that is not nice to do.


Yep, after being so tough in my last post, now I'm turning mega-soft on you. That's because I am as well aware as anyone that if you are going to be forced to do things in order to lose some weight, then you're going to resist doing them!

That's why so many diets and exercise regimes fail people. Its simple human nature. People in general don't like doing anything they don't like doing! If that sounds simplistic, then it is exactly that. To get someone to do anything, you have to make it something they want to do.

So when it comes to losing weight, the very best way to get started is to find something that you enjoy doing or something that you think you would enjoy doing. To do this, it boils down to individual likes and dislikes. That's because not everyone is the same and we don't all like doing the same things.

Some of us need a good weight loss plan now, while those who live to diet in Chicago are going to get a better deal.

So what I plan to do with this blog is to give you some examples of simple things you can do. If you like the sound of any of them, then do them! Simple!

So the second of my weight loss tips is one I enjoy doing on a twice daily basis. And that's walking my dogs.

Walking dogs is a therapeutic exercise for me as it gives me some quality thinking time while I spend time with the little guys and its an amusing time as well watching some of the antics they get up to as we walk around the streets and open space in the neighbourhood where I live.

From an exercise standpoint I get some additional fat boosting work because I live in a hilly area which makes me walk up and down hills. That makes my body work harder especially uphill and makes me breathe harder, raises my heart rate and makes me sweat.

These are the three things you need to aim for when you do any simple exercise if you want to start burning off that excess flab!
  1. Breathing harder
  2. Elevated heart rate
  3. Sweating
If you can get these three things happening when you're doing your stuff for a prolonged period of time - and that is more than 20 minutes by the way, then you'll start the process of losing weight.

So that's it for now with the second of my tips and its a pretty enjoyable one - if you have a dog or dogs, that is. Until next time.

Weight Loss Tips

From Size XXL to Medium

Carl, age 29, decided to get fit again. He's lost 50 pounds and gone from a size XXL to a size medium. His preferred way back to optimum health was to join a gym and start up kick-boxing.

See his story and picture here.
The unrelated photo above is by livegym-showtime.

Recipe for a Veggie Burger

Holly shows us how to make delicious veggie burgers at home. It's an easy recipe and the two key ingredients are lentils and walnuts - two of the most nutritious foods that most people don't eat enough of.

From Before and After TV;

Veggie burgers are a nutritional alternative to beef burgers. Many people don't think of making their own veggie burgers but they are really easy to make at home. Store bought veggie burgers are nutritional but often very high in sodium and preservatives.

Lentils are high in fiber which makes them a good protector against bowel cancer. They are an excellent source of protein and are an important source of B vitamins, especially B3, which is essential for both a healthy nervous system and digestive system. They are high in iron, zinc and calcium and are a good replacement for red meat. Like meat, the iron in lentils is better absorbed when they are eaten with a good source of vitamin C like leafy green vegetables.

Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a special type of fat that is essential for our bodies, but that the body cannot produce. Walnuts are also a very good source of monounsaturated fats.

Walnuts contain many powerful antioxidants, including ellagic and gallic acids, pus antioxidant phenols and vitamin E. The minerals copper and manganese are also found in abundance in these tasty nuts.

Losing 45 Pounds Since January

Catie has lost 45 pounds since January. She used to weigh 173 pounds and now weighs 128 pounds.

She says the best moment, that she will never forget, is when she was picking up her sister at the airport and her sister didn't recognize her.

Catie lost the weight with the help of Weight Watchers and a regular exercise program. Check out her before and after photos and her weight loss story here.

Power Walking to Weight Loss Success

Veolia has experienced super success at weight loss. After being obese for thirty years, she decided to make a major lifestyle change in her late 40's. She went from 400 pounds to 138 pounds. She lost all this weight in just 20 months. She did this by going from being inactive to walking at least six days a week.

Her favorite snack food between meals are bulk nuts such as walnuts, brazil nuts and almonds. These are high calorie foods but full of good fats. Walnuts especially are very high in omega 3.

She says; "I have so much energy and my stamina is incredible for a 54-year-old. And to me, the best part is that I did it all by myself without spending money, having surgery, taking pills or trying the latest diet fad." She's gone from a size 32 to a size 2, and was recently featured on the "Today" show.

See her incredible before and after photos and story here.

Losing 60 Pounds in Six Months

Bill has lost 60 pounds in six months. He went from 240 pounds to 180 pounds by working out regularly at the gym and snacking on fruit instead of junk food.

He got motivated to do it after visiting the doctor and learning he was starting to get diabetes and had high blood pressure.

He says, "I went from a 40 waist to a 34. I feel fantastic. I sleep a lot better. I've got a lot more flexibility. I swing a golf club a lot better now."

See his weight loss story as well as a video about him here.

How Does a Geek Lose Weight?

An anonymous geek asked for help on how to lose weight at home (too shy to go to the gym) and he got over 1,000 replies from fellow geeks on the Slashdot comment boards.

One response was from Binaryboy who told him to try Yourself Fitness;

Yourself Fitness is an Xbox title - not sure if it runs on Xbox 360 - and is like having a personal aerobics and yoga instructor at home. I was little shy of aerobics in general at first, but once I got into it, learned the various moves without looking like an idiot, I was hooked. In the first year I lost 30 pounds (which was my target) and I felt 1000 times better.

See the interesting discussion at How Do Geeks Exercise?

One Cure for Bingeing

Clara was able to end a humiliating cycle of bingeing and starving herself when she started meditating on a regular basis. See her story here.

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Weight Loss Top Tips #1

Following on from the introductory post here at Weight Loss Tips that was entitled simply: "Weight Loss Top Tips", its now time to set to work and set out the first of my truly mind blowing, yet obviously simple common sense means and ways of losing weight.

You may not like what this one is going to be, but if you're serious about wanting to lose some weight, then this is the first step.

Switch off the television!

I'm not joking, either. You would not believe the amount of a person's day that is wasted sitting in front of the TV! If this is you, then when would NOW be the best time to do something about it?

We only get one life and yet so many of us just waste a huge proportion of that life vegetating in front of the television. While we're sitting motionless watching whatever piece of crap is showing (and let's be brutally honest here, most of what you watch on the TV is pure, unadulterated crap), you are not burning off any of that excess weight. In fact, by spending so much time in a state of non-motion, your body is slowing its own metabolic rate down to match your level of motion, so that anything you eat will be metabolised that much slower.

And guess where all that very slowly metabolised food ends up? Stuck in your colon and gradually being converted into the stuff that fills up the body's fat cells.

Only the problem is much worse than you think. Most people eat when the clock says so and not when the body actually needs more food, so while you're body is still halfway through metabolising that last onslaught of fodder, you're starting to cram more food down your gullet that your body has no chance to process before the next food attack!

Think that this is a good way to treat your body?

I don't.

The first step towards even beginning down that road of weight loss is to get your body moving. Eating less will not help you. No diet will unless you get your metabolism moving like it should be and not slothfully as it does when you spend too much time in a state of catatonia.

So get up out of your chair and switch the damn TV off and get yourself moving! Go for a walk, go take the stairs two at a time, go play with your kids in the park (if you can pry them away from their Playstations) or if you have a dog take it for several walks a day and make 'em long ones!

Even doing daily chores like housework will get your muscles moving and force some blood around your body! If you live in a city, get out of it and breath some fresh air for a change. If you can't do that, then at least go and spend some time in your local park where there are some trees that will provide you with some more oxygen than your stuffy TV room ever did!

Ok, that's enough beating you up. I'm only being so hard because I had to be hard on myself to do the things I just described.

Yep, I was one of those TV slobs too and I was letting my life pass me by while watching more crap on the TV than I can remember! I did it - I got up off my lazy behind and switched the damn thing off. Then I started to live my life again! You can too.

Weight Loss Tips

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Weight Loss Top Tips

Welcome to Weight Loss Top Tips.

This is a blog that will from time to time provide some great weight loss tips for anyone interested in losing a few pounds or mores the point preventing a few extra pounds from finding their way onto your person!

This is not a medical or nutritionist type of blog, but more one of simple common sense that anyone with average intelligence will find useful and even entertaining (I hope). The idea is to bring you as many great and useful weight loss ideas, tips and tricks as I can that all work and can be verified in one way or another. Its important to be able to lose a few pounds here and there easily as possible while also making it as much fun as possible. That works by not viewing the process of losing weight as a chore, but more of a thing that you really want to do. That way, you're more likely to stick with any diet or exercise plan that you take on and you will hava a much better chance of success.

So join me for a weight loss ride through the maze of weight loss tips and ideas that actually work and probably work better than a lot of the fad diets that he so-called experts are forever foisting upon us!

Weight Loss Top Tops

Diet Tips for Summer

Here's a guest post by Heather Johnson:

Diet Tips for Summer

Summer is here and that means the temptation to indulge in fun, fatty foods is here too. It can be really difficult to say no to hot dogs and burgers when there seems to be a barbeque every weekend and to keep driving past ice cream stands as they stand out on a hot, sunny day. Vacations also mean eating out which means tempting menus with tasty treats that would never find their way into your kitchen. The pressure that comes with wearing a bathing suit or lighter clothes can be overwhelming. So, what can you do? You want to stay in shape after you struggled through the winter months and you don’t want all your hard work to go down the drain. Consider these tips for dieting this summer and you should achieve a happy balance:

1. Stay away from the sodas. When you reach into the cooler at the beach or your next party, make sure you skip the sodas. Soda is loaded with sugar and calories that are empty. We know how tempting it is slug back a soda on a hot afternoon but this is one way you can keep your calories down. Jason Giambi, a major league baseball player, said a few years ago he cut out soda during the off-season and dropped close to fifteen pounds.
2. Drink water instead. Water is the answer year round and even more so in the summer. Aside from being devoid of calories, water is such a healthy drink in the summer to keep you hydrated throughout the day. 8-10 glasses of water are recommended. Water is a substance that goes through the body quicker than any other drink and helps in raising your metabolism levels.
3. Eat light. You should eat lighter meals and avoid eating snacks in between meals. This will give you the notion of feeling lighter instead of the full feeling you have after a heavy meal.
4. Stay away from spicy foods. The salts you intake from fruits and vegetables are organic in nature and are retained by the body. However, the salts from spicy foods are inorganic and need to be expelled from the body. Drinking plenty of water will help in this process.
5. Stay away from sugary foods. The sugar from fruits and vegetables are natural unlike the manufactured sugary foods that stay clogged in your system for days and days.

This post was contributed by Heather Johnson, who writes on the subject of nursing program. She invites your feedback at heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com.
The water bottle image above is by Jenny Downing.

Is that a Tumor or a Belly?

I couldn't believe this story today, but a woman recently lost a whopping 140 pounds by having two tumors removed from her midsection. She had gone to the doctor for many years but the tumor had grown undetected. See the 140 pound tumor story here.

The unrelated photo here is by Gaetan Lee.

Losing the Last 20 Pounds

Candace, age 36, was forty pounds heavier after giving birth to her third child than she had been before children. She lost the first twenty pounds after going on a series of different diets but she was not able to lose the last twenty pounds of 'baby weight' even though her youngest child was now four years old.

But after starting a regular exercise program she has succeeded in losing the last twenty pounds. She started by taking classes at the YMCA and by lifting weights but the pounds really started melting when she started running with a friend. It was really difficult to do the three mile run initially but she saw results quickly and this was very encouraging.

She's gone below her pre-pregnancy weight and now weighs 115 pounds at her height of 5'5". See her story and photo here.

Photo of jogger via Eleanza

How to Dress to Minimize a Large Bust

Here's a nice video by Katie Stiles on how to dress to minimize and flatter a very large bust. She shows us five before and after outfits and tops.

Via Before and After TV

Flattering Clothes for a Larger Waist

Here's a video with Katie Stiles showing off five inexpensive summer tops that help hide a very slight post-pregnancy belly. They're all available at Eddie Bauer online for under $40.

Better than Weight Loss Surgery?

There's an encouraging article today in the Los Angeles Times about scientists working on a procedure that would be much safer than weight loss surgery. It involves disrupting the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve tells us when we're hungry, it's the communication path between the stomach and the brain. See the full article here. Here's an excerpt;

WEIGHT loss surgery works, but is so invasive and has such unpleasant long-term side effects that it's recommended for only a fraction of the obese population, and even many in that group are reluctant to undergo the surgery. In hunting for a simpler and safer alternative, researchers have zeroed in on a nerve that carries much of the communication between brain and gut.

Disrupting this communication, they believe, could lead to safe, effective and sustained weight loss -- mainly by cutting off signals from the gut that tell the brain it's time to eat....

Two different methods of disrupting the vagus nerve are now in clinical trials. One method, vagotomy, simply cuts the nerve and permanently disables it. The other, vagal nerve blocking, uses an electric current to periodically confuse the nerve and prevent it from transmitting signals. Preliminary results suggest that both methods help to safely reduce excess body weight by about 20% on average within six months of therapy.

photo by Marcusrg

Walking Off 50 Pounds

Allison has lost 50 pounds since January. She took the extreme measure of participating in a 130 mile walk (15 miles a day along a noisy highway) back in March to get her motivated.

These days she does a file mile walk each morning and belongs to Weight Watchers. See her walking story here.

More Weight Loss Blogs

Read about three more bloggers who have had success losing weight here. One of them, is Shauna, pictured here. She used to weigh 350 pounds and now weighs 175. She's written a book about her weight loss journey and her blog is at The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl.

Getting Back to Normal BMI

Danielk lost 15 pounds and this has moved him out of the overweight BMI position, back to the upper end of 'normal BMI'. See his success story here.

The beautiful photo here is by Wolfgang Staudt

Cari Hartman Loses the Diet

Cari Hartman has lost 123 pounds. She is being featured on the Today Show this morning. She lost the weight, not by going on a diet, and not by counting calories, but by making a complete lifestyle change. She joined a fitness center, quit fast food, quit drinking tons of Diet Cokes each day and started eating real meals and taking her lunch to work.

See her inspirational weight loss story here.

The photo of a portable lunch is by moira.

Biggest Loser is a Woman

For the first time in the history of the TV show Biggest Loser, a woman has won the grand prize of $250,000.

Ali Vincent weighed 234 pounds at the start of the show. She went on to lose 48% of her body weight and now weighs 122 pounds.

See TV Guide's interview with Ali Vincent here.

Weight Loss Success for Jody

Here's what Jody used to look like before she lost 133 pounds.

See what she looks like now and her success story here. At 5'9" and 52 years old she now weighs 146 pounds.

After many years of being overweight and losing weight occasionally on fad diets only to regain it soon afterward, this time she changed her underlying lifestyle.

Inside Mariah Carey's Refrigerator

Mariah Carey is looking very slim again. This afternoon, we can see her interviewed on the Oprah Show. She'll be telling Oprah about her diet and exercise regiment.

And she has let some reporters into her New York apartment to let us see what is in her fridge. You won't find any junk food there, but there are lots of fresh clams, swordfish, veggies, fresh vegetable soup and rice.

See the preview with a brief scene of Carey's kitchen and fridge at People Magazine.

Highest Food Standards

Google has the highest food standards you may find in any employee cafeteria. Check out 13 photos from Google's employee cafes here.

Salma Hayek Loses the Baby Weight

Salma Hayek was on Oprah yesterday. She became pregnant for the first time at age 40, and says she gained a lot of weight. The baby was born just after her 41st birthday six months ago and she has lost all the excess weight. Below is a video clip from the Oprah show. She looks very slim and talks about how she doesn't think it's true that breastfeeding helps you lose the weight faster. It sounds like it was a lot of dedicated exercise and careful eating that did it for her. See also some comments on the Celebrity Baby Blog, where many women disagree with her about breastfeeding not being an aid in quicker weight loss post-pregnancy.

Quitting Soda to Lose Weight

Here's a simple and sweet story about successful weight loss;

i used to drink a 2 liter bottle of soda a day then i realized how much wieght i had gained by doing that. i quit drinking that all together and now drink nothing but water and i have last 35 pounds in 6 months. water does really help you lose weight.

This is the latest comment you will find on the Drinking Water to Lose Weight post.

Also see good reasons not to drink bottled water.

Walking the Weight Off

Laura wanted to lose a lot of weight. One hundred and thirty pounds. It took her two and a half years but she succeeded by beginning a very rigorous walking program. Now four years later, the weight has stayed off. But she walks an average of about 50 miles a week!

She's written a book about her experience; Commit To Get Fit: The Secret to True and Everlasting Weight Loss

Act As If You Are already Slim

Here's some good advice about the positive benefits of visualizing yourself as already being at your ideal weight;

The law of attraction states that you get more of what you put your attention on. When you are overweight your attention is focused on fat, food, diets, calories, etc. You are negatively focused. You are focused on the problem. The key to using the law of attraction for weight loss is to stay focused on the solution.

One of the most powerful ways of doing this is to act as if. Act as if you have already manifested and created the body and weight loss you want! Act like the thin person you want be!

Acting “as if” creates a powerful energy shift. Your actions will begin to align with your new intentions because it creates a positive expectation of success.

See more weight loss secrets and good advice at Secrets of a Weight Loss Master.

Health Benefits of Vegetarianism

Diana gave up meat many years ago. She said it made her feel sluggish and mentally slow. Diana is 55 years old and teaches yoga classes. She says eating meat affected her yoga practice.

See an interesting article about the health benefits of vegetarianism. They say people who cut meat from their diet have about half the cancer risk and are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease. Vegetarians are less likely to be obese. They have lower cholesterol, blood pressure, rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and prostate and colon cancer.

A Vegetable Orchestra

And now for a truly extraordinary intermission...

Drink Lots of Water Every Day!

Most people do not get enough water. Water is vital for the function of the kidneys that purify the blood. When the body does not get enough water some of the load is shifted to the liver. The liver's main function is to metabolize the body's fat for energy. If it is busy doing the kidney's job, you are not burning off fat! (Not to mention all the other benefits of a well hydrated body!)

Some recommend drinking 8 glasses of water each day, but that is the amount of water it takes for a sedentary 128 pounds person to stay hydrated. If you are bigger or more active, you will need more water to take care of your body's needs. (Makes sense to me!)

An easy way to figure out the minimum amount of water you need is to divided your weight (in pounds) by 2 and drink that many ounces of water daily.

Example: A 180 pound person would need a minimum of 90 ounces of water to stay hydrated daily.

Stop Eating "Fast Food"

Two words, "Supersize Me."
McDonald's, Burger King, Culver's... They are all trying to KILL YOU! Just looking at the nutritional information alone is a health risk. Seriously!! You could have a heart attack from the SHOCK... and that's not even counting what eating that "food" does to you! :-6

If you MUST eat "Fast Food," a sub place is really your only sane choice. Try one of Subway's "7 under 6" sandwiches. (Mmm, Veggie Delight!) But try to pass on the chips, even if they are "baked" they have no real nutritional value.

Another trap to be wary of is the condiments you put on your sandwich. Cheese can add on up to 150, and mayonnaise adds another 150! Skip the cheese and ask for spicy brown mustard instead of mayo. This will save you some calories which you can eat in chocolate later! ;)

Limit your intake of fatty meats

It is not that HARD! There are lots of delicious lean meat alternatives out there. Find one that suits your pallet!

Try to Limit Sweets

Please note, I did not say cut them out! Natural Sugar is the safest sweet, and it is a beautiful simple carbohydrate for your body to create energy from! Don't get sugar-free or "lite" treats. (Unless you are diabetic...) A TREAT should be a REAL treat!

Eat More Fruits

If there is only one simple thing you can do to improve your health: eat more whole fresh fruit. Nearly everyone likes fruit, and fruit is so convenient. It's nature's handily "prepackaged" snack food. Keep a bunch of bananas or a sack of apples/oranges nearby for frequent snacking throughout the day. This will curb hunger and keep your metabolism revved up, as well as your brain sharp! Fruits also help "combat" a sweet tooth and assists in fat loss and disease prevention.

Over the years, low-carb propaganda wound up grouping fruit with candy and soda, which is total bull. Nutritionally, they are nothing alike, other than containing some form of carbohydrates. It's like equating a jumbo jet to a roller skate because they're both forms of transportation which contain metal... It's a ludicrous travesty. They just aren't comparing "Apples to Apples." (If you don't mind the pun!)

They want you to confuse whole fruits with fruit JUICE. Fruit juice - even if it's "100% juice" - has over 100 calories per 8 oz serving, and is not filling at all! Be sure to limit yourself to just one serving of fruit juice daily!

Here are some ways to start eating more fruit:
  • Take an orange, apple, or banana to work and eat it as a snack each day.
  • Be "romantic" and feed each other washed seedless grapes.
  • Get a party tray of fresh strawberries and pineapple for dessert!
  • Slice up a banana, or add raisins to your AM cereal.
  • Add berries to plain yogurt, or put it all in the blender for a "smoothie

  • Eat More Veggies

    Veggies are so good, and good for you! There is no real reason not to eat them!!! You are an adult and you have the power to eat what you like. Gone are the childhood days of over-cooked mushy canned peas. Free yourself from those traumatic veggie memories of yore, and start thinking about the good ones!

    Remember how good those onions and peppers are on your Fajitas? How about the broccoli, pea pods, and baby corn in your favorite Chinese dish? Mmm! Those are the kind of veggies you should think of!! (Not just "rabbit food.")

    Here are some tips to start getting more green into your diet:
  • Add lots of lettuce, tomato, onion, to your veggie burgers and subs.
  • Make vegetable laden casseroles or chili.
  • Add corn and/or diced tomatoes to your taco filling.
  • Order a veggie or spinach pizza instead of a meat one.
  • Order a spicy vegetable dish from the local Chinese/Thai/Indian restaurant.
  • Always go for a garden salad, instead of a creamy soup.

  • Learn Your BMI

    BMI stands for Body Mass Index. BMI is a ratio between you height in Meters and your weight in kilograms.
      The BMI Formula: Weight in Kilograms / (Height in Meters)^2
    According to the Centers of Disease Control a "good" BMI is withing the range: 18.50 - 24.99. Overweight is between 25.00 - 29.99, and Obese applies to all people with BMI's 30, and higher. (My BMI was 45.89 when I started my weight loss!)

    If you do not know your weight and height in the metric system, Aaron Scott (who is the sexiest sweetheart in the whole world!) wrote a JAVA applet to automatically calculate BMI (and BMR). You can find it here.

    Determined to Lose the Flab

    Here's a really good video by one guy who is 40 years old and wants to get fit again.

    By his birthday on May 12, he wants:

    1) More muscle tone and continued cardio
    2) Continued weight loss (lose the rest of the tummy so you can see those killer abs hiding beneath the cottage cheese)
    3) Healthier and more frequent eating, but not at night.
    4) Reduced caffeine

    It's easy to forget why you started something, so here's my reminder to myself. I wanna feel really healthy and secure hanging out by the pool this spring/summer!

    Learn Your BMR

    BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. BMR is a formula that calculates how many calories your body needs each day stay alive. (Regulate body tempurature, breathing, digestion, heart beat...) In other words, if you did nothing but sleep all day, your body would burn "X" calories where "X" = Your BMR.

    The BMR formula for women is:
    655 + (9.6 x weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x Age in years)

    The BMR formula for men is:
    66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos ) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x Age in years)

    Once you know your BMR, you can calculate your daily caloric need by multiplying your BMR by your activity level. (Be Honest!)

    Activity LevelDescriptionMultiplier
    Sedentary Little or no Exercise1.200
    LightExercise or Sports 1 - 3 times a week 1.375
    ModerateExercise or Sports 3 - 5 times a week 1.550
    Very ActiveExercise or Sports 5 - 7 times a week1.725
    Extra Active2x a day training or Hard Physical Job1.900

    If the metric system and math are not your idea of a good time, Aaron Scott (who is the sexiest sweetheart in the whole world!) wrote a JAVA applet to automatically calculate your BMR (and BMI). You can find it here.

    Count Your Calories!

    I say about 95% of all weight loss products are crap. Most of them are just trying to make a quick buck off of the modern obsession with body image. The only real way to lose weight is to burn more calories off than what you take in.

    Use your BMR to learn how many calories your body needs then cut your calories by 500. You never have to give up the food you love. You just need to manage the calories!

    Try to count your calories BEFORE you consume them. Figuring out your calories AFTER the fact can be a very negative experience:
      "Let's see... I had a whole wheat roll with butter, a salad with dressing and cheese, 8 grape tomatoes , some grilled mixed veggies, and about a cup of homemade mac 'n' cheese. Oh crap... I just ate THAT MANY calories?!?! Oh Man, and I haven't even counted the 4 inch diameter M&M cookie yet... Not. Cool."

    Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I've learned over the years that if I count what I eat before I eat it, I make better choices. (Doesn't mean I remember to do it!) After figuring out the calories in a sundae: 280 for the ice cream, 150 for two tablespoons of dove chocolate hot fudge, 120 for the banana... steers me towards a 140 calorie chocolate chip cookie, or 2 dove mini ice cream treats for 180 instead.

    So avoid frustration by planning your meals in advance. You can create a balanced menu that is full of food you love, and won't derail your weight loss efforts!

    Note: On average the human body needs to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound.

    Losing 1 to 2 Pounds a Week is The MAX!

    The safest way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to "cut" or burn-off 500 calories a day. 500 less calories daily equals about a pound a week weight loss. It's okay to go as much as 2 pounds a week, but that is maximum rate at which humans can burn fat!!! If you lose more than 2 pounds in a week you are putting your health at risk! The human body cannot safely lose more than 2 pounds in a week. If you have lost more weight than that, it wasn't fat. Hopefully it is just "water," but you could be losing bone mass, muscles, or even vital organ tissue! (YIKES!!!)

    You don't need to restrict yourself so much!! I keep my daily calories between 1500 - 2000. It keeps me from feeling "deprived," and I keep losing weight! Slow and steady is the way to win this race!!!

    WARNING: The human body MUST consume at least 1,200 calories a day to avoid neurological problems and other serious health risks associated with malnutrition.

    Don't "Diet" When Dining Out!

    Surprised by this one?

    Going out to a nice restaurant is a treat, so get what you want!! Go ahead and order the crab-stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer, a butter drenched pasta for your meal, and split a Chocolate Volcano for dessert! But do not take this as an opportunity to over eat!

    The trick to eating out, and eating what you want, is knowing portion size.

    If your main dish arrives on a platter you could serve a Turkey on, set half of it aside to take home. If you are temped to eat all of it, ask for a take-home container right away! You can also ask for a "1/2 sized" or kid's sized portion to help keep you from over-eating.

    Note: Remember that eating out is an indulgence and you should not do this more than once a month!

    Switch On Your "Feast Mode" Metabolism!

    No matter how advance we think we are, our bodies are still very primitive. Our natural instincts to food is to eat, eat, EAT!!! This is because people were built to go long periods without food. When our bodies are introduced to ample food, our bodies eventually enter "feast mode," and your metabolism shifts into high gear to burn all the incoming food!

    Having a feast day followed by moderate calorie control = excellent weight loss.

    Many dieters fail because they restrict their calories too much. This triggers the body into starvation mode!!! In starvation mode your body's metabolism slows to a crawl, and any extra calories are stored as fat!!

    Many weight loss plateaus are the body's reaction to being "death-marched." No matter how hard you try lose weight, you will get no where because your body is in metabolic lock down!

    The fastest way I found to break a plateau is to start eating the full amount of calories my body needs daily. After a week of "maintenance mode" calories - my body (finally) reacts when I cut back to get things moving again.

    Eat Breakfast Every Day!

    Eating a big breakfast helps to "trick" your body into "feast mode." Your body will be like, "Wow, we have FOOD today! It's a FEAST Day! BURN, BURN, BURN!!!

    Try eating a high fiber cereal like All-Bran, or Cracklin’ Oat Bran, or oatmeal. The protein from the milk and the bulk of the fiber leave you feeling full for hours. Plus the fiber helps the fat you burned (which becomes waste) get out of your body faster.

    Get Support

    I know I would have never been so successful without the constant loving support from my husband, Aaron Scott. His encouragement gave me the strength I needed to achieve my goals. He helped inspire me beyond what I thought possible, and he never let me get discouraged! (I love you so much AARON!!!) Having great support was the key to success for me.

    There are many ways to get weight loss support:
  • Online Groups, Message Boards and Blogs
  • Church or Work Groups
  • Weight Watchers
  • Family and Friends

  • Educate Yourself

    There are tons of FREE website out there to help you with becoming healthy.

    Here are a few I like to frequent:
    Note: If you have to give your credit card number to see the site it is a SCAM!!!

    Being "Active" is Easy

    I am the LAZIEST person to ever lose this much weight. You do not have to do anything extreme, or even all at once to burn calories. Just remember, little things add up!

    Here are some easy ways to start burning more calories each day:
  • Use the stairs.
  • Park your car in the back of the lot to get in some extra walking.
  • Simple activities, like housework and gardening burn a lot of calories.
  • Walk over and talk to your co-worker instead of e-mailing them.
  • Take the "long way" to a co-worker's desk
  • Use the bathroom on another floor.
  • Try taking 10,000 steps daily by wearing a pedometer.

  • Note: The best time of day to exercise is before supper, or before breakfast. These are the times when your blood sugar is at it's lowest. This helps you start burning fat faster!

    Learn REAL Serving Sizes

    At first you are like "WHAT?! Only this much?" But you'll soon learn the that your EYES were WAY bigger than the stomach. Soon you will become more in tune with what your body really needs.

    A healthy human stomach should only be able to hold one litter (about 20 oz)... although some people have stretched theirs out to twice that!!! (Ew.)

    Note: Only 2 bites of food are the best, the first & the last!

    Do Not Eat Directly Out of the Bag!

    Get out the measuring cups, and see what one portion is!

    Note: Pre-measure servings into Ziploc bags, or buy the "variety pack" of individual bags.

    Get Smaller Plates

    There is just something satisfying about having a FULL plate... so make it smaller to avoid overeating!

    Keep Food Out of Reach!

    If you are sitting at a table and there is a serving bowl of food in front of you, you will be prone to eat more. Keep your serving and eating areas separate. (Food in Kitchen / Eat in Dining Room)

    If you are at a party do not lurk by the food table. Most "party foods" are EXTREMELY high in calories! Try to be active and social. Start a party game, and focus on the people, not the "cute" finger foods.

    Eat Slowly!

    Eating too fast leads to overeating because it take a while for your stomach and your brain and your mouth to coordinate things...

    Studies have also shown that the more delicious a food is the FASTER we inhale it!

    Slow down!!! Take some time to actually let the flavors linger on your tongue. Chew your food completely, and savor the texture! Extra time eating lets you feel full with less food.

    Tips to help you eat better:
  • Take drinks of water between bites to fill you up faster and clear the palette.
  • Cut up your food and eat it in bites as if you were going to feed it to a small child.
  • Close your eyes and really focus on the texture and tastes you are experiencing.
  • Do not eat while watching T.V. or in front of the computer.
  • Create "NO FOOD" Zones

    Make a "rule" for your home or work that food can only be consumed in certain places. (Like in the breakroom or at the dining room table.) This will prevent you from mindlessly eating while sitting in front of the T.V or at the computer... or any place you are prone to over-eat.

    Two of my "No Food Zones" are at my desk at work, and in my kitchen.

    I keep lots of food at my desk and when ever I got hungry I would just grab something and nosh, but I never stopped working and didn't really focus on what I was putting in my body. This had me eating again and again - then suddenly realizing how many calories were in THAT many almonds! (D'oh!)

    Now I pre-count my calories, and take my food to the breakroom two floors down. I take the time to relax and really enjoy my breaks and food. Getting away for just a few minutes really helps me de-stress and I also get the exercise of going up and down the stairs!

    This was a small change that made a big difference!

    I made the Kitchen a "No Food Zone" because I had the bad habit of "sampling" whatever I was cooking/baking. I was eating SO many uncounted calories!

    I even put up a sign to remind me to stop sneaking bites out of the fridge or directly from the skillet.

    Now I only eat at the table.

    Remember to keep those serving and eating areas separate!!

    Stop Eating When You Are Full!

    This may seem like a no-brain'er, but so many people have been "programmed" to clean their plate. Pay close attention to your body when you are eating. When it signals you are full - STOP!!!

    Continuing to eat does not help the "starving children in the world;" it only makes you fatter.

    Note: If you are prone to pick at the remains throw them away immediately, cover them with a napkin, or move them out of reach. If there is enough left over, stick it in the fridge for later.

    Do Not Keep a Candy Dish

    You will be prone to "just have one" but then you'll end up having "just one more."

    This will lead to the consumption of 100s of extra calories each day. Keep yourself safe, and start using that candy dish as a paperclip holder or to store loose change.

    Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

    Alcohol and Caffeine DEHYDRATE. Dehydration is really BAD for weight loss. (Remember all that kidney / liver stuff?!)

    Alcohol also damages your liver, not to mention kills your brain cells!!! Hard liquors are not required to post their nutritional facts which leads to TONS of uncounted calories! You can find another form of entertainment!

    Do Not Eat to Be "NICE"

    "I made your Favorite!"

    If a family member (or co-worker) makes homemade cookies, brownies... whatever your tempted with - You Are NOT Obligated To Eat it!!!

    Many cultures equate food with love (The way to the heart is through the stomach.) so you may feel lots of pressure to eat it. And it is okay to have a bit, if you think it is okay to eat that extra 300+ calories. Just remember to count them!!

    Note: If you feel bad about saying no, see if you can pull off the trick we all learned at age 5 with Brussels Sprouts: Secretly transfer it to a napkin and throw it away.

    Go for Quality Over Quantity

    Honestly, who wants one cup of "LITE" frozen lime sherbet for 100 calories, when you can have half a cup of Triple Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream for 300?

    Yeah, it is half the amount, and three times the calories...
    But it's a MILLION times the pleasure!!

    Remember - some calories are just worth it!

    Note: This tip assumes you would prefer the chocolate ice cream over lime sherbet. If you prefer the lime sherbet, more power to you! :)

    Set Easy to Reach Goals

    I did not start my weight loss with a "Goal Weight" or "Dress Size" to reach. I think having one will just make you frustrated, and you'll miss all your little victories! NO ONE can lose 50 pounds in their first week/month of healthy weight loss!!!

    When I first started to lose weight, the weight came off quickly, so I set my goals to 10 pound increments. When I would reach my -10 pound goal, I'd have to maintain my new weight for a week before I got to get my reward for reaching the goal. (It took me between 2 - 4 months to lose 10 pounds.)

    After I had lost over 100 pounds the rate of my weight loss really started to slow. To keep my motivation high, I changed my goals to every 5 pounds instead. Then after I lost over 140 pounds, my weight loss ground to a halt. After being "stuck" at the same weight for over six months I was really getting frustrated!!! Then I remembered, my ultimate goal was never to reach a certain weight, SO WHY WAS I TYING MY REWARDS TO MY WEIGHT!!!

    The Light Bulb Goes ON!

    My real goal is to be healthy, so now I get my rewards from "keeping up a healthy lifestyle!" (Being active 3-5 days a week, and eating between 1400-1800 calories each day.) All I need to do to get my rewards now is stick to these guidlines 14 days straight.

    This last change to my rewards system has really boosted my self-esteem! When my weight was stuck, I never noticed that I was getting healthier. I only noticed that the scale was not moving. Since my goal was tied to my weight, I didn't feel like I was making any progress!! I really wanted my reward... and just could not drop the last few pounds to get it... after a few months I was really frustrated.

    Now that my goals are not tied to my weight, I feel so much better about myself!!! Life is good!!! :)

    Give BIG Rewards

    When you reach your goal, spoil yourself rotten!

    My rewards are always something I really want!! Try starting a collection of something that you REALLY enjoy, but you can't get the next one until you reach your goal. (This type of goal was great motivation for me.)


    Your goal must be tantalizing enough to inspire you! If you love new Clothes, say you'll get a new pants when you reach your goals... and who knows, they could be a size smaller!

    Note: Never, EVER, set FOOD as a goal.

    Use Your "Before" Picture as Motivation

    Looking at a picture of yourself in all your "fat glory" can really stop a food craving.

    A candid shot of all your rolls, flabby arms, extra chins will remind you that what you are feling isn't hunger; you are actually thirsty.

    Note: Think of this picture as the "old you." This isn't "punishment," it is a reminder of who you were, and who you are going to be. :)

    Take Up a Sport or Hobby

    Try joining a class or "fun league" to burn calories and be social! Once you find something you like, you'll have a workout you might even look forward to!

    Fun Calorie Burning Activities:
  • Ballroom, Salsa, or Swing Dancing
  • Curling
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Hiking
  • Biking (You've got the idea!)

  • Also, if you have to pay for it, you have an incentive to show up and get your money's worth!

    You can also take up a hobby that keeps your hands busy. Without the use of your hands, it's hard to put food in your mouth!

    Fun Hand Occupying Activities:

  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Pottery
  • Gardening
  • Computer / Video Gaming

  • Get Back in the Saddle!

    There will be times when you feel like you "fell from grace" because you "Pigged-out at McDonald's" or you "haven't worked out in 2 weeks." You might be discouraged by your slow progress, and start thinking to yourself that you were "Happier FAT, so why are you going through all this trouble to lose weight?"

    This is when you have to show your STRENGTH and KEEP AT IT!

    We all know that nobody is perfect, but it is so hard to admit when you are the one that is not perfect!

    So what if you polished off a whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in one sitting. (Been there done that!) That does not mean you have FAILED at weight loss. You just have to let it slide, and keep going!!!

    Be as forgiving you to yourself as you would be to your best friend.

    Don't Give Up!!!

    Let's say you're driving down the road, and you blow a tire. Do you get out of your car, and slash the other three tires? No. You wouldn't!! You'd call for help, or change the flat yourself, and keep going!!! Slashing your tires would just makes things worse for you, but this is how many people treat their weight loss.

    When someone blows her diet she often starts "slashing her tires." She believes since she's "failed" at weight loss, she might as well keep pigging out!

    This is the mentality you have to break free from! If you do have a "blow-out," change that tire, and get back on your weight loss plan! Don't Give UP!!! ;-)

    Do Not Punish Yourself!

    Do not bike for 2 hours to "make-up for" an eating "offense." This kind of behavior will only cause self-loathing and discourage you more. This could lead to a cycle of binging and punishment... WHICH IS AN EATING DISORDER! ("Anorexia-Athletica")

    Try New Foods!

    Try out all sorts of "new & exotic" fruits and veggies, or try eating at a new "type" of restaurant:
  • Thai
  • Indian
  • Japanese
  • Greek
  • Afghani
  • Himalayan
  • Jamaican
  • Etc...

  • Ease Into A Healthy Lifestyle

    You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. Bodies do not like change, so you have to gradually "trick" it into being healthy. Start small, like taking a short walk three times a week, or adding more veggies to your diet. Over time start building and adding more healthy habits.

    Note: It takes about 2 weeks to form a good habit so stick with it! If you can't stick with it, try something simpler. Remember, Baby-Steps!!

    Losing the Last 10 Pounds

    MM wanted to lose the last 10 to 12 pounds. She has been at the same weight for the past couple of years despite already eating quite well (she's a vegetarian). MM is a middle-aged woman who found out she has a small brain tumor recently. Her quest to live everyday to the fullest includes losing the last 10 pounds.

    She recently joined 24-Hour Fitness and has been amazed to lose six pounds in the first two weeks already! 24 Hour Fitness has about 400 clubs across the US. See her quest to lose the 10 pounds.

    Keep A Food Journal

    Before making any changes to your lifestyle it is good to know what you baseline is. To find your baseline start keeping a "food journal." Write down EVERYTHING you eat or drink, and track the calories. You might also want to keep track of your weight and Exercise/Activities in the journal too!

    Don't Cheat On Your Journal Entries!

    You are only lying to yourself if you fudge the numbers in the journal! Learning to be honest with yourself is a good point to start from. Keeping a journal of your meals and weight loss really helps you see what your habits are, and how you are progressing. I like to look back through my old journals to see how far I have come! In my journals I kept track of all the food/drink I had, their calories, my weight, and if I exercised. I filled the borders with motivational sayings, and also kept record of my measurements!

    An Aboriginal Diet for Weight Loss

    Greg lost 40 pounds, normalized his blood sugar and no longer requires diabetes drugs.

    His route to success? He went on an aboriginal diet. He could eat "all the fat he wanted, and all the seafood and meat and starch-free vegetables. Dairy fats like cream and cheese were fine, but not milk. Everything else with carbs -- bread, pasta, chips -- were off-limits. No ancestor of Wadhams' ever feasted on pasta and rice. Or ice cream bars."

    With the urging of the local doctor (in the photo above), many people in his small village also went on a similar diet and experienced success.

    It sounds like the Atkins diet, but it is a traditional aboriginal diet.

    See the interesting story at The Town that Lost 1,200 Pounds.

    You're Not Hungry! You're THIRSTY!!!

    Many people confuse thirst for hunger. When your body needs fluids, it sends out a message that most people perceive as hunger, which leads to unnecessary calorie consumption. Don't get fooled! If you feel "Thirsty," it means that you have already begun dehydrating!!! WATER, WATER, WATER!!!

    Get Some Shut Eye!

    It may be hard to believe, but sleep is one of the best things you can do for weight loss. Sleep deprivation lowers leptin, a blood protein that suppresses appetite and seems to affect how the brain senses when the body has had enough food. Sleep deprivation also raises levels of grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat. Most Americans do not get the "normal nights sleep" of 7-9 hours and this could be linked to the obesity epidemic we have today.

    • People who sleep two to four hours a night are 73% more likely to be obese than normal sleepers.

    • People who get five hours of sleep are 50% more likely to be obese.People who get six hours were 23% more likely to be obese.

    • People who get ten or more hours are 11% LESS likely to be obese.

    Another good thing about sleep and weight loss is that even though sleeping burns the fewest calories for any activity; When you are sleeping, you can't eat!!

    Weight Yourself Daily

    Some "weight loss authorities" suggest weighing yourself only once a week because body weight can fluctuate, therefore making daily weigh-ins futile. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Weighing yourself daily, along with monitoring of your calories and activity levels are critical to establishing lifelong weight management habits. Taking a daily weigh really helps you keep on track. Remember it only takes 1 day to gain body fat. Why wait a whole week to measure it? Weight loss is a day-by-day process. The earlier you see your weight going off track, the faster you can start get back on track!

    Be sure to get a high quality scale, preferably one that will give your weight to at least a 1/4 of a pound. Then weigh yourself daily. Take your weight first thing in the morning at the same time each day. Be sure to wear the same amount (or lack of) clothes. Then write down your weight in your journal. This will help you!

    I have taken this one step further and have been tracking my weight loss in a spreadsheet. My weight does spike some days but that's mainly due to fluid retention. Those pounds are quickly lost.

    Find the Root of the Problem

    When I was 10, I broke the 100 pound mark. By middle school I was already in women's plus sizes. I was extremely overweight and began to believe that being FAT and being me was the same thing. Fat was who I was. I saw myself as a "Fat Girl" and when questioned about my weight I would feel attacked because I felt they were attacking my identity. In my mind, Being Fat was the essence of Being Me, and this was the Root of my weight problem.

    This is the story of how I broke free from that Mind-set:

      My husband had brought up the topic of getting healthy before, but I would always fly off the handle. I'd cry and say that he didn't love me the way I was, and argue that I am FAT and you should love me as I am! I felt personally attacked because I still believed that being Fat and being Me were the SAME THING. For him to suggest that I should try to lose weight was a heartbreaking slap in the face!
      I asked him, "Why did you married me if you don't love me the way I am?"
      He assured me that he loved me and that he could not live with anyone else.
      Then he asked me, "If you lost your finger are you still you?"
      I said, "Yes."
      "And I would still love you just as much. What if you lost your whole hand, would you still be you?"
      Again I agreed that I would still be me.
      He then asked, "If you lost some weight would you still be you?"
      Here I wavered. I was a Fat Girl!!! Fat was ME!"
      I got mad and argued "But I am FAT! That is WHO I AM!!!"
      But I knew that wasn't true anymore, and my paradigm suddenly shifted! I was finally able to see that being me and being Fat were NOT the same, and I knew it was true! As soon as I accepted that thought I knew that I would be able to get healthy and lose weight, and I have!!!

    Examine your life and see if there is something keeping you from your weight loss goals. You will only be successful once you truly believe you can succeed!!

    Pump Some Iron!

    Muscle = Metabolism. Strength training is the most effective form of exercise for improving body composition, because building new muscle tissue burns tremendous calories while resting and muscle tissue itself also burns calories 24/7 just to maintain itself!!! If that wasn't cool enough, muscles also increase your bodies NATURAL testosterone which is a powerful anti-depressant in both men and women, and helps fighting against binges and other counter-productive behavior. It also boosts the sex drive for both genders, without negative side effects. (Please don't confuse your body's natural, healthy hormones with the adverse effects of dangerous drugs such as anabolic steroids.) Not to mention that being stronger is pretty cool in and of itself! :-)

    Many women seem to ignore proper strength training in their physical fitness routines, believing it to be "men's stuff". But that's not true. For example, with sufficient intensity, a single 30 minute workout once per week will produce dramatic results in burning body fat.

    The key is the intensity of the workout. If you don't push yourself hard enough, lifting weights won't do you much good. The harder you push yourself within a workout session, the better your results will be. The other keys to remember are to always use proper form (rather than lifting too much weight with poor form) and to never exercise a sore muscle.

    How to "Survive" a Buffet or Potluck!

    When at a Buffet or Potluck the common desire is to "sample a bit of everything," but you cannot do this and lose weight! When faced with a smorgusboard start by drink a full glass of ice-water. Then survey all they have to offer. Choose the one high-calorie item you'd like the most, then limit yourself to one 1/4 plate serving. Fill the rest of your plate with fruits & veggies. When you get back to your table eat the fruits and veggies first. Save the best for last! Be sure to keep drinking lots of water to help you feel full faster!

    Note: Many items at a "salad bar" (sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, croutons, salad dressings...) can be very high in calories. Be very careful when constructing your salad. Keep the dressing on the side and extra toppings to a minimum!

    Natalie Cassidy Loses Weight

    Natalie Cassidy lost about 56 pounds recently. She's got five new habits that led to her weight loss. See her tips here.

    Reaching Goal Weight

    Even though she's 'a mom to the screaming masses' Carmen has now reached her goal weight.

    She weighed 206 pounds after her sixth pregnancy but has since lost 75 to 80 pounds. She did this by exercising regularly and eating what she calls the ELFF diet. ELFF stands for eat less fatty foods. See her story and before and after photos here.

    Star Jones - Weight of Marriage is Over

    The National Enquirer is reporting that Star Jones and Al Reynolds are separating. They've been married for three years.

    Star Jones has lost a lot of weight and changed her appearance drastically since she met Al Reynolds. Apparently she wants a divorce as she thinks her husband was taking advantage of her success and she did all the work. "Deep down, Star is a very old-fashioned woman who believes a man should support her emotionally, physically and financially. She now believes Al failed her.”

    Slowly but Surely

    An obese mom has lost 38 pounds since beginning her weight loss efforts in August. The before and after photos here were taken after she lost 30 pounds. The weight loss has been sporadic. She's had months of no weight loss;

    278 August 2007
    265 September (-13)
    258 October (-7)
    253 November (-5)
    248 December (-5)
    248 January 2008 (-0)
    248 February (-0)
    240 March (-8)
    Total: 38 pounds

    She's a very good writer. See her story at Escape from Obesity.

    Weight Loss Surgery Gone Wrong?

    Hello Isadora,
    I stumbled upon your website tonight and read a couple of the stories. One of my best friends actually has a very inspiring weight loss story; he went from 270 to 170 pounds over the course of 1.5 years by eating right and engaging in almost excessive exercise. Do you think this is the kind of story that might fit on your blog? If so, I'll encourage him to send it in.
    On another topic, I run a blog on the topic of weight loss surgery in Fort Worth texas. I would like for it to eventually become an authoritative site on weight loss surgeons and processes in the Fort Worth, TX area. It will eventually feature local doctors, reviews of their medical histories, etc. I think that if we participated in a Blogroll link exchange the portion of your readership that resides in Texas would benefit, and all of my readership would benefit. Please tell me what you think! You can find my blog at liposuctionfortworth.net. Keep up the inspiring stories,

    Hi Ian,
    Sure, ask your friend to email their story. But if you had read more here you would know I'm not a fan of surgery as the best way to lose weight. I can relate to the people who choose to go this route, but there is so much persuasive money and so many commercial websites already devoted to promoting surgery that I'd like to stay away from it and focus on the stories where people have lost weight without medical intervention.

    But your note makes me want to ask readers who have had a weight loss operation - where things did not go well - to comment below.

    Please don't send me stories of success with this (unless they are extremely sincere) - this would surely attract a ton of spam. I would delete these comments. Here, I'm just interested in cases where surgery did not lead to success.

    The beautiful photo above is by Rubyran.

    Why is Kevin Federline Getting Fat?

    Kevin Federline looks like he is on his way to getting fat over the many months since his divorce from Britney Spears was finalized. The photo on the left was taken this weekend, the photo on the right is from not too long ago when he was in super duper good shape.

    Federline will be celebrating his 30th birthday in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. He was born March 21st 1978.

    Could it be the stress of being a stay-at-home father, feeding and tending to two little children under the age of three that is making him grow a belly?

    Read all the speculation at X17.

    From 300 to 120 Pounds

    CNN has posted another inspiring weight loss story today about a young woman who lost 180 pounds and has become a fitness instructor. Jennifer Marnell is 5 feet tall and has gotten a lot of publicity since her successful weight loss. She was featured in this January's People Magazine as well as on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

    See her story at CNN.

    Vice Busting Gets More Expensive

    Isadora, I really like your blog. I was reading your story, so much like mine! Pregnancy gives us one good thing--the baby! but the weight? not so much fun to deal with.

    I lost 130 pounds, would love to have you check out my story.

    Vice Busting...everything else is just a diet!

    Julia, thanks much for your note and the inspiring photos. Congrats for losing all this weight after your divorce and keeping it off for 10 years. I know your motivational book has helped lots of people lose weight and I think it's quite likely that this program you're now selling for about $147 may be well worth the additional expense to some people.


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