Weight Loss Surgery Complications

I'm reposting a comment here about one person's horrible experience with weight loss surgery. It's a scary experience and needs to be heard. Thanks for your story!

I have been through 12 months of hell. I am pleased finally I have found someone who wants to hear about weight loss surgery gone wrong. I want to scream to anyone considering it, "DON'T DO IT".
I researched for 12 months before deciding on a Gastric Sleeve Resection. I decided a lap band wasn't for me as I trave overseas a lot and one surgeon said as I was not prepared to give up biscuits it would not work for me. 2 surgeons recommended the sleeve so I went for it.
Within 36 hours of surgery I began getting extreme pain in my transverse colon. (My diagnosis as that is the only realistic explanation, but who am I? I just live with the pain.)
I was told maybe I had kidney stones. Then maybe gall bladder. Then I had a leak (haematoma) from the staple line and the liver was affected.
Then my appendix was alledgedly gangrene.
Then I got a staph infection in the wound where the appendix was taken out.
Because of my constipation, I can't drink enough water in 24 hours, I needed a haemoroidectomy. Ohh the agony when I got 2 anal infections.
Hello, why all these infections? Ohh I have developed a blood disorder, Auto immune nutropenia (diagnosed by a bone marrow biopsy, more pain)and this means I am suseptible to infections.
Then my calcium levels in my blood are high. Oh hyperparathyroidism. We have to remove the parathyroid adenomas.
5 weeks later, anotehr staph infection. 10 days in hospital on antibiotic drips as I cant take oral antibiotics or a lot of tablets including anti arthritic tablets after weight loss surgery.
Was I told this pre surgery? No way.
Have I lost weight? Sure. I mena when you throw up at every family event and any time you eat more than 100 grams of food you sure lose weight.
I have lost 53kilos in less than a year, but have had months off work. I have had to use my holiday leave for sick leave.
Anybody considering weight loss surgery, talk to me at darlingwenda@hotmail.com
I will talk you out of it!!
The true story needs to be told. No one wants to hear it.


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