Finding the Time to Exercise

I don't have enough time in the day to exercise regularly. At least that's my excuse. With a toddler around most of the time, and with my part time work and household chores, how am I supposed to find the time to work out?

It's a feeble excuse and I know it. I could probably find that one hour in a day if I was more motivated.

It seems that some of the most motivated people do their workouts while most of us are still sleeping.

Condoleezza Rice is one of these women. She's one of the busiest people in the world. She has a demanding career as Secretary of State, where she often puts in 14 hours a day justifying international killings here and there and everywhere. But she still finds the time to work out daily, almost without exception.

No matter where she is she gets up at 4:30 each morning and does a 40 minute cardio workout, typically on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. Next she does an ab workout. She does this for a total of one hour each day. See a video of her workout here.

If she can find the time, I have no excuse.


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