Getting Rid of Excess Years

Doctor Roizen has created a quiz that determines how old you really are. He says your 'real age' depends on your lifestyle rather than on the year you were born. And if you can change your lifestyle habits, you can look and feel a lot younger.

Many of the questions relate directly to our daily diet and exercise habits. For example, in the past three years, how many minutes did you exercise per week on average? If you answered more than 90 minutes, you are doing grandly on the exercise scale. Another key determinant is if your weight has fluctuated a lot over the years. With respect to diet, much depends on whether you are getting adequate calcium, folic acid, Vitamin C and E. And do you eat fish regularly?

Check out his RealAge Test here, to see if you are younger than your years.

If you are overweight and depressed, you might be deficient in folic acid. See more on what foods have folic acid here.

His book has been on the bestseller list for months: YOU: The Owner's Manual : An Insider's Guide to the Body that Will Make You Healthier and Younger


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