Losing 20 Inches Around the Hips

Rachel has lost 130 pounds. In the before pic here she weighed 277 pounds. In the after pic she weighs 150 and has since dropped another couple of pounds. Her hips used to be 57" and are now 36". Check out her detailed measurements below. What an incredible transformation!

Rachel achieved her goal over two years with the help of therapy, blogging and Weight Watchers. See her site at Reshaping Rachel.


Starting (10/8/09):
Chest: 47"
Waist: 47"
Midriff: 49"
Hips: "57
Butt/Thighs: 55"
Thigh: 32"
Arm: 16"
Neck: 15.75"
Calves: 18" and 18.5"

Current (4/19/12):
Chest: 34" (-13")
Waist: 30.75" (-16.25")
Midriff: 30" (-19")
Hips: 36" (-21")
Butt/Thighs: 39" (-16")
Thighs: 22.5" (-9.5")
Arm: 11" (-4")
Neck: 12.5" (-3.25")
Calves: 13.5" (-5")

Losing 100 Pounds in 4 Months

Wow! Check out Edwin's story. He was determined to lose 100 pounds and achieved this in four months. This kind of rapid weight loss is not usually recommended but he took the drastic route.

He did not diet, in the sense of counting calories, but made a drastic life-style change. He chose a high protein eating plan and removed most wheat from his diet. He cut out all pasta, breads, crackers and tortillas but continued to eat some whole grain cereals plus lots of vegetables and fruits. He completely removed sodas and juices from his daily consumption and now only drinks water.

Re exercise, he started out walking 45 minutes a day but soon moved on to jogging.

Check out his brief but to the point success story!

Also see other people's comments about Drinking Water to Lose Weight.

Update April 19: A comment below questions whether this is a true story and suggests it may be a scam. At first I was wondering if there might be something to this because it is such a dramatic and unusual feat to lose 100 pounds in 4 months. But I'm completely convinced Edwin is sincere. See his new post showing the typical meals that led to the weight loss.

Losing Weight with Weight Watchers

After Heather gave birth to her first child about five years ago, she weighed 313 pounds. Since then she has gone on to have two more children but has lost 170 pounds! She's done this with the help of Weight Watchers and regular exercise.

Heather has a very inspirational blog at Half Size Me and she also interviews people about their weight loss stories in a regular podcast series. Check it out!

Losing 100 Pounds without Dieting

Thanks much to Andrea who sent in her motivational weight loss success story. She quit trying to diet and instead made some life-altering lifestyle changes. She has lost over 100 pounds and is down to size 12 from size 24. She feels fantastic and grateful for her new healthy life.


Hi My name is Andrea Benudiz, I am 36 years old with a pretty awesome journey I wanted to share with you. Over 7 years ago I was an unhappy very young divorcee struggling to provide for me and my 6 year old son. Fighting with Type 2 diabetes, PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome), battling with mental mayhem from bulimia as a teenager, depression and anxiety. Doctors kept telling me that I was one step away from heart problems and a long road of infertility issues. Not that I wanted any more kids at that time in my life but I wanted to know that it could be a possibility in my future.

At almost 290lbs and a size 24 I couldn’t believe I had let myself get to this point. Where did I go wrong? What kind of example am I setting for my son? It was then I realized I needed to start loving myself enough to put the effort into changing my lifestyle for me and for my son.

I found the truth about a LIFESTYLE change and not this word “DIETING” that has everyone so obsessed with! I found that for me DIETS DON’T WORK. They are quick fixes and tend to come back once I stopped doing them. I tried pretty much everything to lose this very unwanted unhealthy weight. From quick fixes to pills to diet regiments, limiting my caloric intake leaving me weak, tired and angry. This all became frustrating and discouraging, but with the love and support of my mother always encouraging me to stay strong, using visualization tactics to help me see the end result, it became clearer to me that I had to believe in myself and find the strength to push forward.

After much research, I learned that my body is connected physically and emotionally. Once I was able to relate that to my lifestyle I started to incorporate exercise to my daily routine which helped me fight off my daily stresses. I also started a healthy eating lifestyle of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cutting my sugar intake by more than half, eating higher fiber foods and eating every 2-3 hours. I was amazed that eating so much good nutritious foods was starting to show results on the scale!

Now after many years, my lifestyle has changed completely and so have I! I am currently married to my number one supporter, best friend and soul mate for the last 4 years, we were blessed with two little girls, 3 and 1 years old, let me remind you doctors told me I would have a hard time conceiving. I am 189lbs and a size 12. Over 100lbs lost and many dresses sizes later, I finally found my true happiness!

All this was because I made a choice to embrace the opportunity to change my life for the better. My regiment consists of exercising 4-5 days a week. Jog every other day, weight training intervals, and eating healthy. I am now able to give back to other women that have similar struggles by being their life coach and trainer.

I still have a few pounds I want to lose but for me this is a lifestyle I am so passionate about and enjoy. I found my passion for life and self love through this amazing journey I call MY LIFE.

Andrea Benudiz

Amy Reaches 100 Pounds Lost Milestone

Congrats to Amy who has lost 100 pounds. She used to weigh 297 pounds and now she weighs 197. She is exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. She lost the latest seven pounds in the past month and hopes to lose another 35.

Check out her blog at Simply Amy.

Losing 60 Pounds in Six Months

before losing 60 pounds
after losing 60 pounds
Thanks much to Teresa for sending in her story. She is 5'6" tall and used to weigh 255 pounds. She was able to lose 60 pounds in six months. 

How being a loser made me a winner
by Teresa Profiri

At the time that I lost 60 pounds, I was a 37 year-old woman and I had accomplished most of that weight loss in a 6 month timeframe. It was one of the most difficult, and one of the most satisfying things that I have ever done.

My weight loss story began when my workplace sponsored a “Biggest Loser” style contest for weight loss. With a $20 buy-in per person at the initial weigh in coinciding with New Year’s resolutions and an ending weigh in scheduled for June, enough people had participated that the first place prize would be $750! That was a big motivator, but the task of losing the highest percentage of weight was daunting. My starting weight was 255 and I was 5’ 6,” grossly obese according to BMI charts.

One of my good friends and coworkers was tall, beautiful and a lean 20-something compared to me. She wanted to participate too, and we decided to compete with and support each other in our efforts to lose weight for the contest. When she weighed in she was over 200 pounds and I hate to say it, but that number was just so satisfying for me to see. She looked healthy to me and had a figure that I wished for. Her “number” seemed attainable to me and so now I had a goal to shoot for. I know that this is not necessarily rational, but this mental shift was key for me.

Although several factors helped me to lose the weight, the main one that helped me was a shift in my thinking about food and exercise. I knew that I would have to reduce calories, learn to be okay with my stomach rumbling, educate myself about nutrition and add daily workouts. The achievement of this goal would require me to change many areas of my life.

Knowing what would work for me was important. The exercise had to be something that I wouldn’t dislike and could do without feeling self-conscious in workout clothes at the gym. I was almost 40 years old and felt like a whale in Spandex. I started using the recumbent exercise bike that had become a clothing rack in my bedroom. I moved it into the living room where I could sit and watch TV. The best part of this was being able to wear comfortable clothing (even going braless!) and not having to worry about going to a gym and feel like I was being judged by others.

Making exercise a rewarding experience would be a challenge because I had been inactive for a long time. I began by listing ways I could improve the experience and make it more pleasurable. Music was something that gave me great joy so I listened to Christina Aguilera. Being alone at home was private and convenient for me so I had fewer excuses not to workout, plus I was already sitting and watching TV. I focused on doing activity that didn’t involve a lot of sweating or pounding of my joints so I avoided pain and discomfort. Variety in my workouts kept me engaged and sticking to 30 minute durations kept me from getting tired and giving up. Activities like crunches felt good because I could feel and see the results of the workout.

Adjusting my diet was more difficult since food is by nature a reward for me. A technique that I used was to give in to my cravings, just a little. I love bread. If I had to follow a diet that said I could never have bread, I would be bound to fail. I know that I’ll crave it and binge on Olive Garden breadsticks one day and hate myself the next. But if I told myself that I could have 2 breadsticks as long as I stick to one bowl of soup and salad after a workout that day, then I could feel satisfied by having eaten what I crave and not having overdone it. Making these kinds of “bargains” with myself with “if, then” rules was very helpful. For example, “If I finish this 45 minute workout, I can have 2 Dove dark chocolate squares.”

My weight loss started slowly but had built to about 10 pounds lost by the second month. This was when I ramped things up with my workouts to compete with my coworker who was trying the diet shake and starvation method of weight loss. By the end of the 6 month contest, I had lost almost 60 pounds and although I didn’t win the contest, I came in second place and won $500! My friend came in third place and was as thrilled for me as I was for her. But even more rewarding than the prize money, I was ecstatic with my new leaner, more healthy body and I was inspired to share my success with others by starting Her Weight Loss Blog.

Losing the Belly and 80 Pounds

Rob between two sumo wrestlers
Rob after weight loss
Waist back to 34 inches
Thanks to Rob for sending in his success story. He has lost 80 pounds and at least 10 inches off his waist and no longer has a 'beer belly'.

Hi Isadora:

I found your blog and wanted to add my story to it.

Growing up in high school I was a track athlete. In college I walked on the football team for a semester. I had always considered myself an athlete. Until I was in my 30's, I was active by playing basketball with friends. Around my late 30's early 40's, I reached the point however where I "let myself go" weight-wise.

I am just under 5 ft 11 inches tall and I weighed around 270 pounds when I was at my heaviest. I call that my "Sumo" weight because I took a picture in Japan in between 2 Sumo wrestlers when I was at that weight!

I lost a total of 80 pounds in 3 phases. I initially lost 30 pounds in 4 months without dieting (no pills, no drinks, no calorie counting, no surgeries, no injections, no "guru" diets, etc.) and without exercise. That prepared my body to lose the rest of the weight through exercise which are the other 2 Phases that I discuss on my blog (along with Phase #1) at My Sumo Weight Loss.

Recently, I read #13 of one of Dr. Oz's greatest health tips: lose the beer belly. I never drank alcohol, but I had a belly as you can see in the Sumo Wrestler picture. According to the tip, I measured my belly, which should be less than half my height or around 35.5 inches.

In the Sumo Wrestler picture, I was wearing size 44 pants. With the hanging stomach, the measurement is obviously over 44 inches.

I'm about to turn 50 years old, and now I'm a Master's Track athlete. As shown in the picture, the "belly button" measurement is about 34.5 inches. That's at least 10 inches, gone! No wonder people who haven't seen me in a long time remark that "half of me has disappeared!"

My hope is that people can read my blog, see what I did, and hopefully get similar results!

To a Healthy Lifestyle:

Rob Chambers

Working out at the Gym to Lose 55 Pounds

Ramona has lost 55 pounds after starting to work out at her favorite gym. Thanks much for sending in your story, but for future references, please folks, do not send me promotional emails that center on pushing a specific product/service..

My name is Ramona Tiberia and I’m a 34 year old hair stylist from Michigan. I've struggled with my weight on and off and while I’ve tried other gyms in the past I've never truly attained the success I want. That is until I started to hear great things about a new gym called Art of Strength from my co-workers. The day AOS West Bloomfield head trainer Mike Knight came into the salon changed my life.

My personal workout preference is that I need someone to yell at me. I don’t want anyone to sugarcoat it, I want someone to get in my face. While I wanted that feeling, I also wanted to be a part of a communal environment where everyone is working hard. Art of Strength was just what I was looking for. It’s really like working out with your family, everyone wants to see you succeed and they offer a good support system.

As for my workout regimen, AOS isn't an average workout. It's much more intense. You’re burning a lot of calories and having fun while you are doing it. The trainers don’t throw you on a treadmill for a half hour and that’s your session. Every visit is better than my last and that type of variety is what keeps me on my toes.

Since I began working out at AOS, I have lost a total of 55 pounds and am still going strong.

Reversing Sleep Apnea with Weight Loss

Michael, who is 5'8" tall, weighed 245 pounds when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and sleep apnea.

His doctor told him he could either have esophageal reconstructive surgery or sleep with a (CPAP) machine. He said if he didn't choose one of these options he could die in his sleep or a have a stroke or heart attack.

At first Michael slept with the machine but continued his sedentary lifestyle and nutrition void eating habits. But then he decided to get active and gradually change his diet away from junk and processed foods. Within about 9 months he was at the ideal weight for his height (165 pounds) and felt like a completely new person.

Check out his inspiring story here.

Amanda Has Lost 130 Pounds

Amanda during pregnancy

Amanda after losing 112 pounds

Amanda at 256 pounds

Thanks much to Amanda for sending in her weight loss story. She weighed 383 pounds at the end of her pregnancy and has since lost 130 pounds. She has not reached her goal yet, but can be very proud and happy with her progress so far.

I've always been overweight.  At the start of my second pregnancy I
was 333lbs.  Through the course of 9 months I managed to put on 50lbs
and get gestational diabetes.  The diabetes scared me.  A lot.  The
weight gain itself was a whole new kind of awful.  Even though I've
always been fat, I've never been disabled by my weight.  I never had
trouble DOING things.  Until I reached the point where I was closer to
400lbs than 300lbs.

Everything on my body hurt.  I couldn't walk; really I could barely
move.  Rolling over in bed hurt.  If there was ever going to be a wake
up call this was mine.

Most of the baby weight came off pretty quickly.. well, quick(ish).
By 3 months I only had about 15 more lbs to go to get to my
pre-pregnancy weight.  The rest stayed on til my girl was 6ish months
old.  In April 2011, I had a very short lived attempt at a workout
program.  I think I held in there for about a week!

When my girl was 7 months old (May 2011) I really committed.  I had
joined a weight loss challenge for moms and I REALLY wanted to win! I
started working out with my (now-ex) husband.  He had been doing P90X
for 5 months.  I started doing it with him.  If I ever got more than
3-4 workouts done in a week it was a small miracle! "I do my best and
forget the rest"  (You hear that a lot on the P90X dvds)  I lost 22lbs
that month, and still came in 5th lol

I took a hiatus in December 2011 and January 2012, but I'm back on the
wagon.  In Feb 2012 I started doing the program.. Really doing it.  As
of this writing I'm on day 22 and I've lost 80lbs doing P90X.  From
the day before my daughter's birth (17 months ago) I've lost 130lbs.

I'm documenting my progress and keeping myself accountable on my blog A Real Woman's Sweat Journal

Going From Size 12 to Size 0

Jocelyn lost a lot of weight and changed the shape of her body and has maintained this weight loss for four years. She used to wear size 12 pants. When these started to feel snug, she decided to change her lifestyle. She's wearing size 0 jeans now. Check out more pics and her blog at Habitual Weight Loss.

What It Feels Like When You Reach Your Goal

Tammi, age 34, has succeeded in her weight loss goal. She's lost 130 pounds! She was at her heaviest after giving birth at 275 pounds and is  now in the 140's.  Here are close-ups of her face at her heaviest and current weight.

It's not that often people show close-ups of the changes in their face before and after the weight loss so it's neat to see the transformation.

But Tammi also has lots of other great pics of her front view, side view and back view along the weight loss journey. So check them out, they are very inspiring.

Also read her thoughts about what it feels like at 149 versus 275.

No More Need for Comfort Food

Thanks to Gayle for sending in these pics and story!

Every year I was getting bigger. Snacking was an entertainment and comfort to me. But then I would get bigger and go to food for more comfort. Well, you get the idea!

My small frame was putting on the pounds and I was getting increasingly uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally, from how my body was changing.

Then I was introduced to Weigh Down Ministries' weight-loss classes, The Weigh Down Diet book, and the Rise Above book, all by the program's founder, Gwen Shamblin. I love these resources, and Weigh Down Ministries makes them so affordable - some are even free: weighdown.com and remnantfellowship.tv! They are full of common sense and heart-changing examples that showed me how to stop running to food for comfort. It made so much sense! I put it into practice, and the weight started coming off immediately.

I continue today in what I have learned: how to eat like a thin eater, satisfied and not controlled by any longing for food. My weight has been steady for over 10 years... and this is my high school weight! No diet foods in this program; I get to eat regular foods. Also, I am very active; but there is no regimented work-out program here. No more depression; but so much JOY!

I started to change by applying Weigh Down principles when I was 46, and now at 59 I feel so young! I LOVE sharing this with others, because it changed my life in so many wonderful ways!

Weight Loss After Personal Crisis

Thanks to Jason for sending in these pics and story!

I was 288 lbs at my heaviest after years of being lazy in a bad marriage. A divorce and my fathers death triggered a chain reaction that led me to a healthier life style. Eight months in the gym, 6 to 7 meals a day with a proper nutrition led has put me at my current weight of 218lbs!!

I'm not finished yet. I'm concentrating more on body fat % then weight. I started above 35% and I'm down to 15% now. I'm shooting for 9% body fat at around 205lbs.


From Obese to Extremely Fit

Randall weighed 270 pounds when he decided to get in shape. One and a half years later he was extremely fit and participating in an Ironman competition. 
Thanks much for sharing this!

Hi Isadora!

I made this video just for my friends, family, and relatives as a reminder that it's never too late and anything no matter how difficult is possible if you believe. I'd like to share it hoping it would help other people believe in themselves as well and lead towards a healthier and happier lifestyle.

For me, I can still remember like it was yesterday 270 lbs I attempted to run not even 1/4 of a mile I was winded down like I was going to have a heart attack and every car was stopping asking if I needed a ride. A year and a half year later I was treading water in Ironman Cozumel about to embark on a 140.6 mile journey, smiling and thinking to myself how I enjoyed everything along the way.

One Very Successful Year of Weight Loss

 Megan Marquez and her husband lost a combined 174 pounds in one year. The first photo here was taken at Christmas in 2010 and the lower photo is from Christmas 2011. Thanks much for sending in your story!

Good Morning,

My name is Megan Marquez.  I have been morbidly obese since I was a teenager (I’m 36 now).  My husband and I have been married for 16 years.  We have two amazing, young children.  We decided to finally take control of our weight for our children’s sake and for our own health.  We did not use any pills, tricks, concoctions or fads.  For the first time in our adult lives, we simply did what every doctor tells their patients to do; maintain a better diet and get regular exercise.

We started slowly, cutting out junk food completely and taking short walks.  We both used an app on our phones to log our food intake every day.  As the weight started coming off, we increased our exercise.  I now use an elliptical machine every evening for 30 minutes.  I couldn’t have done 2 minutes in 2010. 

It has been an unbelievable year of weight loss and personal growth.  Combined, my husband and I lost about 174 pounds in 2011.  We are continuing our new lifestyle into 2012.  We both feel and look substantially better.  We had the greatest support of our families and co-workers.  My weight loss caused two co-workers to also improve their diets.  For the first time in my adult life, I am able to shop at non-plus size stores.  Our young children are very proud of us.  What a great feeling!

The reason I am contacting you is that I truly believe changing your life is in your own hands with real support.  I promise, if we can do it, anyone can.   

Electric Bikes and Weight Loss Success

Traci Brown is a coach with Optibike. This pricey electric bike (costing about $10,000), "the Ferrari of electric bikes", is hand-made in Boulder, Colorado. Traci sent in the following story about one of her clients. 

Bob Brewer was a regular guy. He spent his life building a successful family business. The money was good and all the perks that came with it were even better. Then at 53 he found himself overweight. Way overweight. And diabetic. He was 5’7” and 270lbs. The doctor called him ‘morbidly obese’.That’s when the fear set in.

A young death just wasn’t an option for Bob.  So what’s a guy to do?  A little exercise for a few days wasn’t going to fix the problem.  An entire lifestyle shift was in order.  But it sounded so hard.

That’s when Bob joined the Optibike weight loss challenge with coach Traci Brown.  It’s a year long coached lifestyle and fitness program.  Community is created around the enthusiasm for weight loss and cycling.  And Optibikes are electric. They give you a push when you need it. And you still get a great workout.

Bob found the fun in community and started riding his bike every day.  He followed the program:  Riding every day with a specific plan, walking if he couldn’t ride,  eating lower carbs, less meat and more fish,  cutting out soft drinks and alcohol.  As a matter of fact, Bob has only had water to drink for a year.

What about the results?  Bob’s lost 87lbs and he’s still going.  He’s exercising every day, riding his Optibike or walking, and totally off all medications.  He’s excited about life and he still hasn’t had anything to drink but water.  And all this happened because he decided to save his own life with the Optibike Weight Loss Challenge.

Losing 80 Pounds in Eight Months

Maria weighed 210 pounds eight months ago. She is 5'4" tall. A Zumba class inspired her to start her weight loss journey and now she feels fantastic at 128 pounds. Thanks much for sending in your story!

Hi, my name is Maria.  I am 40 years old and I am a Physical Therapist Assistant. I live in Wilkes Barre, PA. My before weight was 210 pounds and my after weight is 128 pounds, I am 5'4". 

In April of 2011 my friend asked me to go try out a Zumba class which I was reluctant to do but after she persuaded me to go I immediately fell in love with it, I was going 3 days of week. 

Towards the end of April the instructor opened her own studio and started offering more classes, at that time I decided that was it, I was sick of my weight and wanted to lose full force, I went on my own diet with an app on my phone counting calories(1200 calories a day). 

Jessica Sands, the owner of the studio S.W.E.A.T. Fitness Studio, helped me in every sense of my weight journey answering questions I had on food decisions, what classes to take, etc. I really owe it all to her for being my inspiration in this past 8 months, even though she will say it was all me. I am totally in love with eating right and exercising all the time, I take as many classes as I can, sometimes 1-3 classes a day, every day of the week. So after 8 months of losing 72 pounds and dropping from a size 16 to a size 2, meeting the most amazing people ever, and developing friendships I feel will last a lifetime, I am the happiest ever in my life. 

I finally feel good about the way I look and feel. My husband, Jim, of 18 years and my children, Patrick, 17, and Katie, 13, are very supportive in my new way of life, and I wouldn't be able to do any of this without them either. I am very thankful every day that Jessica took the courage and many pitfalls, even surviving through a flood, to keep her studio open to give me a second home to go to every day to achieve my goal. I LOVE S.W.E.A.T. FITNESS STUDIO, ALL THE INSTRUCTORS, AND ALL THE FRIENDS I HAVE MADE ALONG THE WAY!!!!

Reduce Cravings with Meditation

Here's a really great 5 minute video instruction on how to meditate for a minute in your day.

Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and cravings. All you need is one minute to feel better. Check it out!


From Obese to Ultra Fit

Drew used to be big and tall. He is 6'4" and weighed 340 pounds not too long ago. One day he decided to get super fit and choose a healthy lifestyle. He never went on a diet, just started making different eating choices and doing a ton of running, starting with baby steps and stepping it up to the point where he is now doing 'ultramarathons'. See his inspiring story at Running Runners.


A Very Inspirational Weight Loss Video

Wow! check out this wonderful video of a man who has lost 270 pounds. It's so optimistic and inspirational.

Bryan Ganey, age 39, also has a very helpful blog (My Lifestyle Change) about his weight loss journey. Check it out for some great motivation.

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Kale Chips: A Super Nutritional Low Calorie Snack

Here's a fast and easy recipe for a really tasty and super nutritious snack. These kale chips are made with just three ingredients (kale, olive oil and nutritional yeast). (PS I know the picture I took looks awful, and you can't see that they are crunchy and dry..)

My nephew told me about this recipe. He's a vegetarian and it's hard for him to get enough B vitamins. One super food that contains tons of these vitamins is nutritional yeast.

Nutritional yeast (amazon link)
contains 18 amino acids (forming the complete protein) and 15 minerals. Being rich in the B-complex vitamins, it is vital in many ways and particularly good for stress reduction. The B-complex vitamins help make nutritional yeast such a valuable supplement, especially to the vegetarian. One element of yeast is the trace mineral chromium, also known as the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). This is necessary to regulate blood sugar and is important for diabetics and people with a tendency toward low blood sugar.

Kale is one of the world's healthiest vegetables. (The other two hugely nutritious greens are swiss chard and collard greens.)

So this recipe combines two of the world's healthiest foods and it's really yummy. It does taste a bit like thin crisp chips. The nutritional yeast has a nice nutty flavor. Hope you will give it a try.

Kale Chips Recipe:


- a bunch of raw kale (tear into bite size pieces)
- nutritional yeast
- olive oil

Place the kale on a cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil and then sprinkle a good amount of nutritional yeast over it. Bake it in the oven for about 15 minutes at 375 degrees. And voila!
You have kale chips.

If anyone would like to figure out the calorie count, please let me know! I figure it is about 200 calories at most for a heaping bowl full.

Best Way to Lose Weight - Poll

What is the key habit keeping me from losing weight?

Is it eating too many sweet foods? Or too many fatty foods? Is it mainly a matter of not exercising enough? Or is it too much soda/pop or alcohol?

It's been a few years since I did a poll. It would be interesting to see which habit people feel is the most responsible for their weight gain.

Please vote on your best habit breaker to lose weight. See it on the sidebar to the right.

The poll starts today January 1st and closes in six days. See how other people have voted so far.

And if you can contribute any help (encouragement, tips, advice), please leave your comment below.

Also, if anyone has a success story with before and after pics of your weight loss and would like it posted here, please let me know!

33 Real People Tell Their Weight Loss Story

This website is mainly focused on true weight loss stories by real people who lose weight the natural way - via a change in diet or exercise.

You can scroll down through the posts and at least half of them deal with life stories (while the other half are related to tips about weight loss).

But here's a faster way to get to the latest 33 stories posted on this blog.


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