Is Your Diet Very Healthy? Take this Quiz

The world's healthiest foods website ( has a quiz you can take to see how much of the healthiest foods you are eating and based on your answers, it will tell you what vitamins and nutrients you are probably lacking.

Check out the quiz here.

This non-profit website was founded by a guy who became a wealthy mogul by starting a health food company called Health Valley Foods in 1970. Though his principles were sound, the food was mostly packaged, convenience food. He sold the company in 1996 and now operates this non-profit web-site to give back and also possibly to atone for selling too many granola bars over the years.

The healthiest foods are non-packaged, non-processed foods.

This is the best site we've seen on truly healthy foods and it gives the highest quality information about their nutritional values. Check out the 100 healthiest foods.


Weight Loss for Men - Visualize It

If you have an iPhone or iTouch and are a male who wants to lose weight, check out this Virtual Weight Loss Avatar for men. It's fun to get visual milestones for each few pounds you lose.

As with the similar app for women 'Virtual Weight Loss for Women', this app is based on BMI calculations so it will look different for men who weigh the same but are different heights.

Update: December 16th 2011: We've updated the app and artwork! Check out the latest versions here.


Weight Loss Aid

When you think about the many reasons why you'd some positive weight loss tips to bolster your armory of techniques and strategies, it comes as no surprise that any additional help you can get is always most welcome in your battle to lose the spare tire. So let's look at the importance of having the information that you need to succeed in achieving your goal and how you can best use it to really boost your chances of success.

It all begins with your initial foray into the world of weight loss where you are faced with a bewildering array of programs, plans, strategies and techniques all designed to supposedly help you to shed the number of pounds you decide you need to lose. Often, the choice put before you is overwhelming in its variety and sheer volume. This is, of course not helped by the fact that the media is falling over itself to shove as many of these wonder plans in your face as it can in the hope that they can sell you something and pick up a commission for their trouble.

This is the first problem you are going to have to deal with in that most of what is presented to you may or may not be beneficial to you. It's a case of having to sort the wheat from the chaff, so to speak! That's because many of the plans that are being promoted are thrust at your door because they will make money for someone, not because they will necessarily help you to lose weight.

Sure, there are some bona fide weight loss companies out there that can help you to shed some of the excess weight by using their plans, such as Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, South Beach Diet, Zone Diet and others. Alongside these established and trusted companies are a whole group of stylish diet plans designed to target certain areas of your diet and exclude others in an attempt to cause you to lose weight and while some work for some people, others will not work for others. This is because everyone is different and what works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else!

Knowing and understanding this important point, you can really boil it down to the company that you trust the most to come up trumps for you. This you will find out through recommendations from friends, family and colleagues who have tried the products and had success with them. Then there are the online review sites that fall into two categories.

1. Review sites that give an unbiased review of the product for no monetary gain

2. Review sites that simply promote the product for a commission per sale they generate.

Knowing which is which is not always easy as the obvious giveaway for the second category of review suite would be great big ads plastered all over the page for the product being reviewed and the review itself being overly positive and nothing more than a thinly veiled sales pitch. However, honest reviews will be unbiased and provide negative points as well as positive points about the product. Some will still carry an ad or two for the product but they won't be overly promotional and you can probably get a better feel of trust from them. The choice is yours whether you take what they say as honest or not.

So you see getting honest weight loss tips is not always straight forward, but once you can train yourself to see past the obvious sales pitches and find the real, honest reviews and info pages, then you are in a much stronger position to really increase your chances of success by finding the advice that is good for you rather than the rubbish that is just trying to sell you something.

Weight Loss Tips

Outdoor Exercise for Weight Loss

Here's a fun story from a discussion about mindless eating. Photo via wheany.

Outdoor Cat v.s Indoor Cat:

Living in the country we had pet cats that lived outdoors.

All of these outdoor cats had to be called to come to eat and did not beg for food. Most of the time they were 50 to 100 yards away from our house. Being predators they were constantly roaming, killing mice and occasionally a bird and patrolling their territory of a couple of acres. Needless to say all of these cats during my childhood were healthy, lean and fit cats.

As young adults we took our pet country cat to live with us in our apartment. The cat ate more food. Begged for food. Yowled for more food and was always underfoot looking for more food. He was left alone most of the day to an empty apartment. He quickly gained a huge amount of weight. Seeing that he was not fit for apartment living and was getting to be a fat cat with nothing better to do than beg for food, we took back home to our parents in the country.

Quickly, the cat lost weight and stopped begging for food since he had mice to chase and a couple of acres to patrol and occupy his time.

We humans sit in our homes watching TV and "reality shows", playing on the computer playing virtual games and wonder why we get fat.

Losing 200 Pounds

Becky Griggs has lost an amazing 200 pounds. At her heaviest, six years ago, she weighed 352.

She now weighs 150 and has become a personal trainer. She's 43 years old and the mother of two grown children.

Becky cut out sugar and flour from her diet. She eats five times a day and works out regularly. Check out her story at CNN (From Fat to Gym Rat) and see her short video below;

Slim Fast Recall

Ten million cans of Slim-Fast ready to drink products are being recalled due to a possible health risk. Slim-Fast is owned by Unilever and in cooperation with the FDA they are recalling the products because of the possibility of contamination with Bacillus cereus, a micro-organism, which may cause diarrhea and possibly nausea and/or vomiting. The probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote.

These ready to drink products were being sold in stores nationwide.

No other Slim-Fast® products are affected by this recall. No Slim-Fast® powdered shakes, meal bars, or snack bars are included.

Consumers who have bought Slim-Fast® RTD products in cans are urged to discard them immediately and contact the company at 1-800-896-9479 for a full refund.


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