Losing 250 Pounds

Suzi has lost an incredible 256 pounds in one and a half years. She was a morbidly obese 430 pounds 18 months ago. She's a 40 year old single mother and now weighs 176.

She was able to accomplish this incredible feat without weight loss surgery. But she did quit her job and moved in with her parents to focus on weight loss. She's kept up a very time-intensive exercise regiment to get rid of the loose and flabby skin.

Her typical breakfast these days is a bowl of oatmeal and fruit. (Photo of oatmeal, blueberries and sunflower seeds shown here is via Flickr).

See her inspiring story here.

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Weight Loss Spells?

Back again and with this post I want to take a look at some of the more less thought about weight loss methods and strategies that exist but that are every bit as valid as the mainstream ideas that are generally put about. So first of all, what am I talking about here when the title of this post says weight loss spells? Well, I'll show you...

I'm not going to be going into the occult or paranormal here, far from it. All that stuff is probably better left to the Hollywood move makers imaginations to try to scare the hell out of us all! No, what I'm going to look at here are some real life ways you can change your weight by using the power of your own mind to work on your behalf, while using your body to work with the mainstream base methods such as eating the right foods and taking regular exercise.

Ok, I'll put a spell on you... first thing you should learn how to do is to meditate. Seriously! Meditation is absolutely the way to reduce stress in your life. It is stress that is helping your to gain weight by suppressing your body's own ability to function normally and shift the calories that you're putting in. It is also making you put more calories in your body in the form of comfort eating or eating when your nervous or agitated. Ah, I see the light bulb glowing brightly above your head!

So by reducing stress, you place yourself in a stronger position to deal with your weight and your overall health while you're about it. Gets interesting, doesn't it?

Next up is to change your attitude. Far too many overweight people have a negative mental attitude which is keeping them locked in a cycle of weight gain and no way back. Get yourself into a positive frame of mind, one where you are certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are going to lose weight, and guess what starts to happen? Yep, the pounds start dropping off as if by magic. Magic spell? Not really, just you setting your own mind the way you want it.

So there are some weight loss spells that aren't really spells at all, but natural, normal ways of thinking and being that can have a profound effect on your health and your body to provide the weight loss help that you need and deserve. So get smiling and get positive!

Weight Loss Tips

Catherine Loses 35 Pounds

Catherine lost 35 pounds and has kept the weight off for the past year. She's 30 years old, 5'7" tall and used to weigh 168. In the photo here she weighs 132.

She was able to break the cycle of overeating by joining Crossfit as well as learning about nutrition and beginnning to cook her own meals. See her inspiring story and before and after photos here.


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