Losing 60 Pounds in Six Months

Bill has lost 60 pounds in six months. He went from 240 pounds to 180 pounds by working out regularly at the gym and snacking on fruit instead of junk food.

He got motivated to do it after visiting the doctor and learning he was starting to get diabetes and had high blood pressure.

He says, "I went from a 40 waist to a 34. I feel fantastic. I sleep a lot better. I've got a lot more flexibility. I swing a golf club a lot better now."

See his weight loss story as well as a video about him here.

How Does a Geek Lose Weight?

An anonymous geek asked for help on how to lose weight at home (too shy to go to the gym) and he got over 1,000 replies from fellow geeks on the Slashdot comment boards.

One response was from Binaryboy who told him to try Yourself Fitness;

Yourself Fitness is an Xbox title - not sure if it runs on Xbox 360 - and is like having a personal aerobics and yoga instructor at home. I was little shy of aerobics in general at first, but once I got into it, learned the various moves without looking like an idiot, I was hooked. In the first year I lost 30 pounds (which was my target) and I felt 1000 times better.

See the interesting discussion at How Do Geeks Exercise?

One Cure for Bingeing

Clara was able to end a humiliating cycle of bingeing and starving herself when she started meditating on a regular basis. See her story here.

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Weight Loss Top Tips #1

Following on from the introductory post here at Weight Loss Tips that was entitled simply: "Weight Loss Top Tips", its now time to set to work and set out the first of my truly mind blowing, yet obviously simple common sense means and ways of losing weight.

You may not like what this one is going to be, but if you're serious about wanting to lose some weight, then this is the first step.

Switch off the television!

I'm not joking, either. You would not believe the amount of a person's day that is wasted sitting in front of the TV! If this is you, then when would NOW be the best time to do something about it?

We only get one life and yet so many of us just waste a huge proportion of that life vegetating in front of the television. While we're sitting motionless watching whatever piece of crap is showing (and let's be brutally honest here, most of what you watch on the TV is pure, unadulterated crap), you are not burning off any of that excess weight. In fact, by spending so much time in a state of non-motion, your body is slowing its own metabolic rate down to match your level of motion, so that anything you eat will be metabolised that much slower.

And guess where all that very slowly metabolised food ends up? Stuck in your colon and gradually being converted into the stuff that fills up the body's fat cells.

Only the problem is much worse than you think. Most people eat when the clock says so and not when the body actually needs more food, so while you're body is still halfway through metabolising that last onslaught of fodder, you're starting to cram more food down your gullet that your body has no chance to process before the next food attack!

Think that this is a good way to treat your body?

I don't.

The first step towards even beginning down that road of weight loss is to get your body moving. Eating less will not help you. No diet will unless you get your metabolism moving like it should be and not slothfully as it does when you spend too much time in a state of catatonia.

So get up out of your chair and switch the damn TV off and get yourself moving! Go for a walk, go take the stairs two at a time, go play with your kids in the park (if you can pry them away from their Playstations) or if you have a dog take it for several walks a day and make 'em long ones!

Even doing daily chores like housework will get your muscles moving and force some blood around your body! If you live in a city, get out of it and breath some fresh air for a change. If you can't do that, then at least go and spend some time in your local park where there are some trees that will provide you with some more oxygen than your stuffy TV room ever did!

Ok, that's enough beating you up. I'm only being so hard because I had to be hard on myself to do the things I just described.

Yep, I was one of those TV slobs too and I was letting my life pass me by while watching more crap on the TV than I can remember! I did it - I got up off my lazy behind and switched the damn thing off. Then I started to live my life again! You can too.

Weight Loss Tips

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Weight Loss Top Tips

Welcome to Weight Loss Top Tips.

This is a blog that will from time to time provide some great weight loss tips for anyone interested in losing a few pounds or mores the point preventing a few extra pounds from finding their way onto your person!

This is not a medical or nutritionist type of blog, but more one of simple common sense that anyone with average intelligence will find useful and even entertaining (I hope). The idea is to bring you as many great and useful weight loss ideas, tips and tricks as I can that all work and can be verified in one way or another. Its important to be able to lose a few pounds here and there easily as possible while also making it as much fun as possible. That works by not viewing the process of losing weight as a chore, but more of a thing that you really want to do. That way, you're more likely to stick with any diet or exercise plan that you take on and you will hava a much better chance of success.

So join me for a weight loss ride through the maze of weight loss tips and ideas that actually work and probably work better than a lot of the fad diets that he so-called experts are forever foisting upon us!

Weight Loss Top Tops

Diet Tips for Summer

Here's a guest post by Heather Johnson:

Diet Tips for Summer

Summer is here and that means the temptation to indulge in fun, fatty foods is here too. It can be really difficult to say no to hot dogs and burgers when there seems to be a barbeque every weekend and to keep driving past ice cream stands as they stand out on a hot, sunny day. Vacations also mean eating out which means tempting menus with tasty treats that would never find their way into your kitchen. The pressure that comes with wearing a bathing suit or lighter clothes can be overwhelming. So, what can you do? You want to stay in shape after you struggled through the winter months and you don’t want all your hard work to go down the drain. Consider these tips for dieting this summer and you should achieve a happy balance:

1. Stay away from the sodas. When you reach into the cooler at the beach or your next party, make sure you skip the sodas. Soda is loaded with sugar and calories that are empty. We know how tempting it is slug back a soda on a hot afternoon but this is one way you can keep your calories down. Jason Giambi, a major league baseball player, said a few years ago he cut out soda during the off-season and dropped close to fifteen pounds.
2. Drink water instead. Water is the answer year round and even more so in the summer. Aside from being devoid of calories, water is such a healthy drink in the summer to keep you hydrated throughout the day. 8-10 glasses of water are recommended. Water is a substance that goes through the body quicker than any other drink and helps in raising your metabolism levels.
3. Eat light. You should eat lighter meals and avoid eating snacks in between meals. This will give you the notion of feeling lighter instead of the full feeling you have after a heavy meal.
4. Stay away from spicy foods. The salts you intake from fruits and vegetables are organic in nature and are retained by the body. However, the salts from spicy foods are inorganic and need to be expelled from the body. Drinking plenty of water will help in this process.
5. Stay away from sugary foods. The sugar from fruits and vegetables are natural unlike the manufactured sugary foods that stay clogged in your system for days and days.

This post was contributed by Heather Johnson, who writes on the subject of nursing program. She invites your feedback at heatherjohnson2323 at gmail dot com.
The water bottle image above is by Jenny Downing.

Is that a Tumor or a Belly?

I couldn't believe this story today, but a woman recently lost a whopping 140 pounds by having two tumors removed from her midsection. She had gone to the doctor for many years but the tumor had grown undetected. See the 140 pound tumor story here.

The unrelated photo here is by Gaetan Lee.

Losing the Last 20 Pounds

Candace, age 36, was forty pounds heavier after giving birth to her third child than she had been before children. She lost the first twenty pounds after going on a series of different diets but she was not able to lose the last twenty pounds of 'baby weight' even though her youngest child was now four years old.

But after starting a regular exercise program she has succeeded in losing the last twenty pounds. She started by taking classes at the YMCA and by lifting weights but the pounds really started melting when she started running with a friend. It was really difficult to do the three mile run initially but she saw results quickly and this was very encouraging.

She's gone below her pre-pregnancy weight and now weighs 115 pounds at her height of 5'5". See her story and photo here.

Photo of jogger via Eleanza

How to Dress to Minimize a Large Bust

Here's a nice video by Katie Stiles on how to dress to minimize and flatter a very large bust. She shows us five before and after outfits and tops.

Via Before and After TV


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